Join Litterverse, Clean Our Planet Together!

Be part of impactful environmental change with Litterverse.


Transforming Communities Through Eco-Action

Litterverse is a mobile app that empowers community-driven action-oriented cleanup with real-time mapping, impact tracking, and environmental education. Join us in creating a greener world together!

What we do

Protecting our planet, together

We are dedicated to preserving and restoring the environment for a sustainable future.

Innovation meets Initiative

Our app aims to harness innovative technology to mobilize communities for environmental cleanup. Users will be able to easily locate litter hot-spots via our app, participate in cleanup challenges, and engage in missions to earn rewards.

Community Engagement

Our app facilitates the organization of community cleanup events, allowing users to plan, coordinate, and manage large-scale environmental initiatives, bringing together individuals and organizations to make a tangible impact on local ecosystems, as well as unlocking certain special achievements.


Empowering Ecological Change

Clean Earth

Promoting reuse and recycling to reduce waste and protect our planet's precious ecosystems while working hard to discover new innovative ways to recycle single use plastics, Styrofoam, and other waste that's routinely sent to landfills.

Green Future

Inspiring individuals and their communities to go outside and create tangible change through targeted litter clean up, reducing air, water and soil contamination, and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Protecting Biodiversity

By restoring natural habitats through addressing litter pollution, educating the public, and fostering community engagement in environmental stewardship, Green Grid contributes to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity, ensuring ecosystems are preserved and remain vibrant for future generations.

Get involved

Join the Litterverse Team

If you work or play in a  field listed and want to share your expertise, please reach out! We are completely ran by volunteers and would greatly benefit from any help so we can start to pay those who have worked so hard thus far! And we'd love to pay you too if you join our team!

Fields we'd love to hear from:

Mobile App Development/Coding


UX/UI Design

Ethical Sourcing


Start-Up Investors

Start-Up Coaches


Company News

Wonders in the Works

Stay informed about our most current status on all our environmental endeavors. Keep an eye open for anywhere you might fit into our innovative pollution-solution team.

Litterverse App

Our litter heat-map app is fostering tangible change through targeted litter clean up opportunities for individuals and their communities.

AI Sustainability Scanner

We are currently working on an app that will be used to scan any items you may be planning to throw in the trash, so that AI can tell you whether it must be doomed for such a fate, or if it can actually be reused or recycled, as well as provides tips on how to lessen waste by reducing the waste produced through more sustainable buying choices.

AI Regenerative Travel Companion

An AI integrated app that helps you make the most sustainable and Eco-conscious choices every step of the way when you travel,  complete with our AI tourism operator who is Eco-certified.

Beach Clean Up Initiatives

We are working toward hosting biannual beach clean up events and hope to have huge turn outs, greatly adding to our measurable impact.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

 ― Anne Frank